The Plight Of A Woman

for we as women are to suffer the plight that man has put upon us, we are to be their property, possessions even when they have many, that no one must have. we suffer the loss of love, emotional betrayal, rape, molestation, physical abuse of all sorts and are expected to still love the one who bestows these actions upon us. I wish not to have a daughter and watch her watch me suffer under her father's cruel rule nor do I want a daughter who I know will have to suffer like wise. 

                                                                           the lovepoet 

And I Wait

Sometimes I'm tempted, tempted to call him over,

have him hold me in his arms, take away this lonely feeling,

but then I think of you, your tender caress, sweet words, warm touch.  

So I suffer this cold loneliness with images of you

running through my mind and wait for  the day I see you

and I wonder, wonder if you suffer, suffer the same for me,

make sacrifices for me. I wonder if you keep yourself for me

as I do for you. If you like me or love me, if you feel the same way I

feel about you. If you patiently wait for the day when you see me,

if your mind is filled with thoughts of me . If you think of the day

when our bodies embrace each other and our hands knot together to make one.

                        the lovepoet

p.s. listen to Deborah Cox's "Nobody's Supposed To Be Here" while reading. Thanks to Onyeka U. for the title.