Garden Of Love


Lay with me 
on a bed of buttercups
sing sweet melodies
of the birds singing
sip off my bosoms
the sweet honey 
of the bees buzzing 
over our heads
clothe me with the
flaming birds of paradise
and tulips of the earth
and sunflowers of the sky
let us bathe in the water lilies
let us eat the chamomile
and lick the syrup of the dandelions
let us sow to the earth a seed
that blooms into a child.

the love poet


Kama Sutra

Every night I close my eyes to

get a glimpse of your face

in a lover’s embrace I have you

to behold your presence; a rare gift

for morning comes and you torment

me by not being here

making my dreams comes true

to have and to hold you

for I am your flower to sway

a Lotus bomb rather to destroy

your heart, life and family

let me show you who I am

through the Art of Seduction

touching you in the right spots

that make you scream my name

let your voice be heard over the mountains

cry a lover’s story, let them know

I hold you a prisoner of my desire

kiss my soft cocoa skin, kiss my thighs

as they lead you up my channel of

dripping love, fire and passion

enter into eternal lust

 that leads us beyond

this earth and straight into

the Devil's realm

knowing love i will allow all things to go to be as supple as the wind and take everything that comes
with great courage as Rusa will say to me "Life is right in any case." My heart is as open as the skye - Kama Sutra (the movie)

the lovepoet

That Magic

Image result for love and magic


you seem to disappear when I need you most
reminding me of someone I once fell in love with
a magician with the same old tricks
he never failed to perform his disappearing acts on me
when my heart ached most for him
and then appeared with love sewn tricks when
I was about to give up on him
he played pranks on me that hurt
where deeper than cuts  and the blood that gushed out were my tears

his finger tricks felt so good and so wrong at the same time
the pain and pleasure. the pain was the trick that kept on bruising my body
and the pleasure that made me forget about the pain.
but his mouth tricks were the best because they did some many wonderful things
I cannot begin to tell. the mouth trick he played was the best part of the show
I would be restless on my chair like a child waiting to open gifts on her birthday
his mouth tricks were the gifts I received for being able to sit through the whole show
O how I longed for them at every performance.

he was my magician and he never failed to perform his disappearing act when I needed him the most.